Seeing little to no significant change can be frustrating and demoralizing when we reflect upon goals we’ve set but haven’t seen come to fruition. Despite efforts, we can find ourselves discouraged by the gap between what we envisioned with God in one season and our current state, which can produce insecurity and hinder our personal development.

Sometimes, we look to nearby distractions such as social media, which floods thoughts and timelines with messages about what we don’t have. In response, we shift focus onto lack instead of the abundance of Who is with us. Sometimes we connect more with the lies and inconsistencies in our reels and feeds than we do with Jesus’ unchanging nature (Hebrews 13:8).

We are often more convinced about our inadequacy than in the abundant and all-encompassing God. We believe in the lie of not being, doing, or having enough. Whether trait or talent, we limit our view of who we are and what we are capable of. We misplace hope, pining for things to fill the blanks lodged in our souls. Instead of fostering inspiration to meet our goals and grow in personal development, an insecure and incomplete view of self breeds discontent, discord, and discouragement.

Conquering discontentment

There will be times when discontent creeps in and attempts to settle within. We can stem the tide, diverting the waves of ingratitude that erode steadfastness and joy. Giving thanks, even along our personal development journey softens our hearts.

It makes us ready to respond to the Holy Spirit’s wisdom and ideas that aid us in building what the Father wants to be established on earth. A grateful heart helps us to remain teachable and humble enough to learn, yet patient enough to mentor others with what He’s planted within.

Navigating discord

Insecurity is based on a perception of lack. When we encounter inadequacy, whether in ourselves or others, it produces anxiety that leads to discord. This manifests in comparison and competition, where we strive for platform and position, instead of building one another up.

Wanting to be seen, heard, and known, is normal, but we don’t have to tear each other down to grasp at something that the Lord Jesus has already provided for us. As with Judas and Jesus, the adversary will use close connections to attempt to disrupt our personal development journey. They will distract us from progressing toward goals, even when it involves sowing discord with others.

Overcoming discouragement

Time masquerades as an enemy when hindrances position themselves between us and our goal. Discouragement hovers when the target seems just beyond our grasp or when opportunity slips from our grip. Though feelings of insecurity make us feel unqualified, we can summon courage from the Lord’s promised Presence and Power through weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).

The Lord will encounter us where we are, offering insight and instruction to help us recover from the setbacks that underscore insecurity, making us feel like failures. Sometimes, what looks like Plan B is the best strategy for us to move forward with fresh vision and the resilience to bounce back from the bumps in the road.

Next steps in your personal development journey

Wherever you are in your personal development journey, please know that everyone encounters challenges. The path to goal attainment will certainly be marked by difficulties, some more grievous than others. Consequently, insecurity can cause you to wonder if your goal is worth pursuing. But there is another way.

Choose to believe. If the Holy Spirit has placed it within, He has already equipped you with the necessary talents and capacity to obtain additional tools and traits. Embrace that today by selecting a counselor in Frisco, Texas from our online counselor directory. Schedule an appointment at Frisco Christian Counseling in Texas and get up again to run your race and press toward your goal.

“Flower Market”, Courtesy of Alisa Anton,, CC0 License
Boundaries, when used well, honor God and allow for physical, emotional, and spiritual growth in both parties. If you recognize that you are in a toxic relationship, please seek the support of a therapist for healing and for setting healthy boundaries with the other person. Contact our offices today and we will connect you with a Christian counselor that will journey with you as you address your toxic relationship.