The benefits of couples counseling are widely known. Sometimes, the challenges that we experience in our closest connections with partners require ongoing investment. Time, energy, and resources are essential to sustain relationships through the seasons of life.

Christian couples therapy at Frisco Christian Counseling provides a shared avenue through which partnered people work with a licensed therapist to nurture their union and fortify meaningful connections with those who share their lives.

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Please contact our reception team at
(469) 333-6163

Couples Counseling: Benefits and Barriers

It is common for couples to experience some hesitation and misgiving about trying something new or different, including therapy. You may be intensely aware of how much your connection needs to resuscitate and reboot.

First, consider what blockages stand between where you are in your relationship and where you want to be. You might have all the tools and resources to begin or make a fresh start from whatever has ushered you to this point. However, it is necessary to clear a negative mindset. Otherwise, it has the potential to thwart your relational progress, obstruct your path, and frustrate your efforts.

Sometimes, our ignorance, fear, and resistance to change spurs a myopic view. In error, we believe that the other person is the one who needs counseling. Whether you perceive that to be true or not, a higher truth remains: relational partnership requires effort and investment of both parties to thrive.

Discounting the potential benefits of the shared counseling venture can sabotage a relationship. When we need help yet avoid pursuing it for our relationship, we inadvertently starve ourselves of the deep connection our hearts desire.

Before discussing the healthier alternative, let’s identify a few barriers to overcome as we proceed into couples counseling:

Fear of pursuing counseling hampers movement.

  • Ignoring smaller matters now often leads to larger ones later. Neglecting major issues may dismantle the connection until there’s little left for you and your loved one to reconcile and restore at a future point.
  • Take time to read and research, perhaps talking with others in your social circles who have pursued couples therapy. Allow their experiences to inspire you without expecting it to predict your journey.
  • Utilize our site to get acquainted with the specialized areas of therapy and the practitioners who seem to fit what you want and need in a professional.

Stubbornness or unwillingness to engage in prevention or relational repair hijacks connection.

  • If you perceive that your partner is the only one in need of therapy, you may want to ask yourself how well your current stance serves you and your partner.
  • Ask yourself the questions that will invariably present as you move forward:
  • To what degree are you willing to cultivate your commitment?
  • What are your realistic pros and cons of promoting the health of the relationship?

Walking Together

The questions listed above may offer a preview of what to consider as you advance with choosing a therapist at Frisco Christian Counseling, but a relationship worthy of your commitment is also worth the investment.

A quality Christian counselor in Frisco will facilitate a safe, healing space. Trained and experienced, they will help you to find agreement and align with mutual goals that yield lasting gains.

Do two people walk together unless they have agreed to meet?

Amos 3:3 NASB 2020

Be reassured that therapy at Frisco Christian Counseling is designed to support you with identifying areas requiring growth and change. Together, your willingness to practice authenticity, permit vulnerability, and offer transparency will serve your overall relationship goals in the near and distant future.

Removing pretense and getting honest with one another demonstrates investment in your relationship. It reveals a long-term commitment to continue growing through the natural course of circumstance and time that could otherwise drive you apart.

This place of harmony is critical, as it will urge you along a shared path. At Frisco Christian Counseling, we invite you, both individually and as a pair, to consider how well your relationship fits where you are now while encouraging growth into who you are yet becoming.

When couples pursue counseling together, they can embrace it as a mutually beneficial learning experience. Such receptivity helps to note compatibility and the element of choice in continuing to grow together or deciding to shift course and separate.

While every couple is unique, there are some universal considerations to regard as you initiate the process of seeking a professional to facilitate couples counseling in Frisco.

  • Ponder your individual needs and desires for your relationship.
  • Examine your life together.
  • Note the areas of overlap where you agree.
  • Be clear about the areas where you experience discord, whether occasionally or with regularity.
  • Be prepared to share those concerns with your chosen therapist, recognizing that they can only support and champion you to the degree that you are willing to be authentic and committed to following through the process.

Change is an inevitable part of life, but having an adaptive approach supports your resilience in embracing transition as a place to learn and grow. It can sometimes present as frightening or alarming, especially when there is a life event or incident that tests the viability of your connection.

This is not a reason to remain silent. Rather, it is important to understand the power of your voice in calibrating a healthy course for your relationship. Vocalizing your concerns and acknowledging your observations serve proactive and preventative functions.

Such communication invites couples to resolve outstanding issues before they balloon, potentially squeezing life from vital parts of the relationship. As you both partner with your therapist, verbalize and expect to encounter support as you identify goals and relevant action steps for each stage of your work together.

Topics on the Table

While every couple’s issues differ, there are a few topics that frequently come to the surface. Knowing what to anticipate in therapy may support you and your partner with preparing your expectations and your own hearts for authenticity, vulnerability, and transparency.

  • Finances
  • Intimacy (emotional and physical)
  • Co-parenting
  • Communication practices
  • Resolving conflicts
  • Infidelity and betrayal
  • Core values and compatibility
  • Boundaries and expectations

Although the areas listed above present a few considerations, you may be able to name your own concerns, using this as a starter. Furthermore, your counselor may offer an initial assessment to ask questions and encourage thought and dialogue about what brings you to therapy.

Your motivation may be proactive, in that you want a maintenance “tune-up” with no known or distinct issues. You might be seeking to work through existing matters.

Either way, give yourselves grace and flexibility to process where you are, knowing that your relationship is unique. The approaches necessary for your own relational issues and goals will emerge in collaboration with your counselor.

Allow your relationship to become the safe space that the two of you need as a couple to learn about your individual needs, strengths, and areas for growth as well as the ways that you can mutually benefit one another. Engaging with your partner and your therapist at Frisco Christian Counseling will bring you closer to what you need and want, not only in your sessions, but also beyond.

Next Steps

Explore our counselor directory and reach out to our reception team to find a Christian counselor in Frisco whose experience and expertise matches well with your areas of need. Grant yourself the opportunity to explore new directions for your life and relationship that you hadn’t previously imagined.

Good therapy will stretch and challenge you, but it will also celebrate your wins and enhance your resilience early in the process. You have already committed to the relationship. Now, make an enduring investment in yourself, in one another, and the future of a healthy and thriving connection, beginning today.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(469) 333-6163