“And now, I pronounce you husband and wife!” is among a handful of phrases signaling the conclusion of many wedding ceremonies. The announcement brings excitement and anticipation of a life marked by shared milestones. Much attention is given to planning the event, around which there is much hope, fanfare, and emotion; and, certainly, for good cause. Weddings herald the promise of new beginnings as two people join in the holy covenant of marriage.

However, while significant thought precedes the wedding, the same attention to detail and follow-through isn’t always applied to the health and sustainability of the marriage itself. A wedding is a one-day affair, while marriage lasts a lifetime, at least as God intended from the beginning.

A fallen world and the broken people in it require a Savior, and Jesus came to be that. Scripture depicts marriage as a mystery, shrouding and symbolizing the love and devotion between Christ and His Church. God uses marriage to make us more like His Son. Therefore, we shouldn’t enter it lightly without honest thought, prayer, and preparation.

Like any major life decision, it is essential to imagine and plan for the future you envision. Some discoveries await your wonder and surprise once you have crossed the threshold into marriage. However, premarital counseling serves as a type of advanced training. It equips you to respond to expectations as well as the unexpected elements that are sure to come.

Use and embrace the relevant information in this guide to acquaint yourself with premarital counseling, understand its value, identify expectations for your own counseling experience, while considering potential topics, and pursuing the next steps in your future.

Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. – Proverbs 16:3

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(469) 333-6163

At Frisco Christian Counseling, premarital counseling establishes a foundation and framework for living marriage vows in the rhythms of a shared real life, outside of fairytale presentations. Working with a counselor at Frisco Christian Counseling mirrors a multi-strand cord that cannot be easily broken when engaged couples partner with God, their therapist, and one another to live out God’s intention for marriage.

It offers couples the opportunity to work through existing issues, highlight potential challenges, and develop an awareness and approach to serving and loving one another and God in preparation for the next part of their shared journey.

And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken. – Ecclesiastes 4:12

A vibrant union blesses God, the couple, and others in their lives. Its healthy roots are anchored in the planning. The fruit of preparation extends beyond the initial ceremony, readying couples for marriage as a lifelong adventure. The vows we confess before our family and friends inform us of forthcoming opportunities.

Although we say them, we don’t want to be shocked by reality when sickness and health, richer and poorer, better and worse come to visit the marriage. Yet, when we fail to equip ourselves for the guaranteed uncertainties of life, we undermine the health and viability of our future marriage and family legacy. Premarital counseling is an investment in who you and your future spouse are becoming and looks forward with hope and mutual contribution, to bring into earth God’s heavenly design for marriage.

Prioritize your choice to seek Christian premarital counseling in Frisco. As you both consider marriage as your next step, realize it is one of the most significant decisions that impact everything else in your life. It is a weighty choice, requiring wisdom and maturity as you prepare to join your life with another.

Premarital counseling in Frisco, Texas gives an opportunity and place to invest in the viability of the marriage before you seal it with vows. It is a forum in which you both partner with a therapist, God, and one another to work through the details and nuance of your values and perspectives and learn how to navigate the past and present experiences, while prayerfully planning a purposeful future.

Premarital counseling at Frisco Christian Counseling offers a place of training and discovery to learn about yourself and your fiancé. Learn how to communicate through difficult topics and discoveries, perhaps even matters you did not encounter through the initial periods of friendship, dating, or courtship.

No one is perfect, regardless of their devotion to the Lord. Imperfections will make themselves known at all phases of relational transition. However, the process of premarital counseling primes you for much of what you will encounter in your marriage.

Premarital counseling will support you with the following:

  • Choosing to see the other imperfect person, with his or her flaws and features, through Christ’s love and compassion.
  • Remaining committed to loving in action and speaking the truth in love,
  • Working through conflicts, with wisdom and peace, amidst inevitable change and difference.

Premarital Counseling: Expect to Engage

The key is to gain God’s perspective by pursuing wisdom from the One who created marriage. In process and result, premarital counseling opens our eyes and heart to God’s unique and specific vision. Through it, He will align you and your future spouse with His design for what your marriage is designed to be, apart from previous relationships or your family histories.

God uses this preparation to sharpen and challenge you both in devotion to God and one another. That translates to praying with the person you intend to establish this covenant, engaging fully in your premarital counseling sessions as you begin the process of becoming one with each other.

Therefore, a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. – Ephesians 5:31

At Frisco Christian Counseling, premarital counseling may reveal a host of traits you didn’t know about yourself, and the same may be true for your future spouse. While it may seem to be a disruption to the process, this is beneficial to discover on the “pre” side of marriage. Conflicts are inevitable and can be appreciated as a place to learn from observation and conversation to yield positive change.

When we encounter challenges in our most intimate relationship, it stretches and tests our character. It provides an opportunity to walk out the love between Christ and the Church, making us not just hearers of the Word, but doers. What is a marriage without abiding in Christ’s love, compassion, and forgiveness? What do we expect from marriage if we don’t learn to live and put godly principles into practice, where our hearts are most vulnerable, before the vows?

Embrace the challenging discoveries you make in premarital counseling as a learning opportunity. Gather information, and grow by making the major changes and the minor adjustments that are part of life as a human being and a son or daughter of God. Commit what is in front of you to prayer.

With your partner and your therapist, you will see:

  • If you need to continue planning toward marriage,
  • If you need to pause, or
  • If you need to pursue a different path altogether.

Do two walk together unless they have agreed to meet? – Amos 3:3

Get on the same page during this process since you will be growing together or apart for the rest of your lives together. It is important to recognize that therapy will expose areas that need to be attended to, ideally before you say, “I do.” This is why it is valuable to be of a similar mindset and travel along a joint path, otherwise, you may be failing yourselves, one another, and the marriage before it fully launches.

Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? – 2 Corinthians 6:14

Premarital Counseling: Topics on the Table

Premarital counseling in Frisco acts as a laboratory and classroom to gain insight, experiment with new approaches to engaging with one another, and practice skills for life that will also be essential in marriage. While every couple is unique and will bring a range of topics that they or the counselor may see as areas for exploration, the following list highlights potential considerations for premarital discussion:

  • Finance
  • Intimacy
  • Values
  • Expectations
  • Boundaries
  • Children
  • Blended families
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Goal setting
  • Communication and conflict
  • Aging parents
  • Care giving
  • Family legacy

Next Steps

Seeking God, and a qualified counselor helps provide the wisdom that is required for any venture. Marriage is God’s idea, and it follows that we can only understand His intents and purposes for our lives by reading His word. While it is valuable to hear well-wishes from family and friends and bookmark their sage advice, we must guard our hearts, filtering their well-intentioned words against the standard of God’s sovereign word.

This is where it may be especially important to contact a therapist at Frisco Christian Counseling who works with couples before marriage. We encourage you to contact our office and meet with one of the premarital counselors as you look beyond your wedding, to plan for your future, launching the next adventure of your life together.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(469) 333-6163