How to Control Your Anger (and Why It Matters)

By |2024-09-25T09:40:52+00:00August 8th, 2022|Anger Issues, Featured, Individual Counseling|

Have people asked you to control your anger? Does it feel like anger is controlling you? You can learn how to control your anger with God’s help and the assistance of a Christian counselor. The Deep Roots of Anger Many of us never learned how to control our anger in healthy ways. You may have grown up in a home where people exploded with anger. Perhaps your parents handled anger by sweeping it under the rug and never discussing it. Maybe your family let anger leak out slowly through passive aggression. None of these methods of anger management are healthy, but they are all too common. To get control over your anger, it’s important to deal with its deep roots. You have learned how to handle it through decades of conditioning in ways you may not even realize. But by learning to recognize the roots of your anger, you can dig them up and let them no longer influence your thoughts and actions. A qualified Christian counselor can help you learn new methods of thinking and behaving when you feel angry. Your counselor will offer a neutral, objective perspective to help you discover the roots of your anger and change your reactions. Why Controlling Your Anger Matters It’s likely you already know the price your anger exacts on your relationships. Whether you explode, seethe, or sulk when angry, you have probably noticed distance in your relationships when you act that way. You may be seeking help because your anger has caused strain or severe damage to relationships. However, when you learn to control your anger, you have hope for repairing your damaged relationships. Anger doesn’t only cost other people something. It costs you a bundle too. Anger exacts a toll on your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Physically, [...]