Coping Skills for Anger in Women

2024-11-21T17:10:08+00:00November 21st, 2024|Anger Issues, Featured, Individual Counseling, Women’s Issues|

In a society that dismisses anger in men as usual and anger in women as undesirable, it can be challenging to assume there are any healthy coping skills for anger other than suppression. However, anger, like other emotions, is a symptom of a problem. Anger floods the body with hormones that can make it challenging to find the source of the problem. By developing healthy coping skills for anger, you can identify solutions that go a long way in preventing anger from happening in the first place. Anger in Women: Start with Self-Awareness Self-awareness is challenging in the heat of anger, but noticing your anger will be the quickest way to resolve it. Take a moment to take some slow, deep breaths, slow your heart rate, and get some oxygen to your brain before you become overwhelmed physically and mentally by anger. Focus on Facts Anger can start with one thing and spiral to many other things. When you are angry, it is important to focus on objective facts. It can be difficult to bring facts to an emotional fight, but it’s better for you to do it yourself rather than have others point it out to you. If you can write out the facts of the situation that triggered your anger, you might be able to find solutions. Sometimes, you are angry because of your environment. If you are too hot, or too cold, if your clothes are uncomfortable or the music is too loud, you might feel anger starting to rise. Are you tired? It might be time to take a break. Are you hungry? Get a snack (ideally some fruit or protein). Do you know what stage of your cycle you are in? The ebb and flow of hormones does have an impact on your mood. [...]