Joanna Kucherera

About Joanna Kucherera

Hi there! I am Joanna Kucherera, a Writer, Speaker, and Trainer with a passion for mental health awareness, relationships, and family counseling. I hold an Honours degree in Psychology from The University of Zimbabwe. Beyond my professional endeavors, I am a mother to three wonderful girls and enjoy spending time outdoors. To explore more of my work, please visit

How to Build Self-Esteem

By |2024-09-25T09:04:22+00:00November 3rd, 2022|Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development|

Self-esteem is the opinion we have of ourselves, and the value we place on ourselves. It is shaped throughout our lives and is impacted by all of our experiences, both good and bad. Self-esteem is not stable and might fluctuate or dip at certain points as we go through seasons of growth. Sometimes our self-esteem can change by the day or even by the hour. Our self-esteem is directly linked to the choices we make, our motivation, the types of treatment we accept from others, our confidence levels, and our mental health. Self-esteem can be improved and built up. Doing so will help us to be happier, more resilient to criticism and adversity, bolder in our choices, and more decisive. There is no quick fix to building self-esteem and it should be approached as a long-term goal. What does low self-esteem look like? Sometimes low self-esteem is fairly obvious in people, but most of the time adults who have low self-esteem tend to mask it with certain behaviors. This is because living with poor self-esteem or a negative self-image comes with feelings of shame and fear. Over time, this masking behavior may result in us developing false personas that we hide our negative self-image behind. The Imposter The Imposter is the person who appears grounded, content with their life, and possibly thriving in their career. However, below the surface, they are battling a crippling fear of failure and perfectionism and might be experiencing burnout. They are often competitive people, deriving temporary satisfaction from “winning” and gaining the upper hand. The Rebel A common masking behavior is to act as if others’ opinions do not matter, and that their criticisms or opinions are of no consequence. In truth, The Rebel is deeply affected by others’ opinions but is also angry [...]

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Understanding Depression from a Christian Perspective

By |2024-09-25T09:04:35+00:00July 7th, 2022|Depression, Featured, Individual Counseling|

In Psalm 42:11, the psalmist speaks to himself, saying “Why so downcast O my soul? Why the unease within me?” He gives himself the advice of putting his trust in the LORD, reminding himself that God is steady when everything else is in turmoil. Throughout the Psalms, and the rest of the Scriptures, there are honest and raw accounts of people engaged in battles with depression, sometimes to the point of despair, all of which can help in understanding depression. People have been battling depression for centuries, well before there was the research or the framework of understanding that we currently have. Despite this, there is still much conflict and a lack of understanding in the area of emotions and how to integrate spiritual concepts with psychological research. Fear and shame abound where there is a lack of understanding and educating yourself on the topic of depression can make you a valuable resource for friends, family, or even yourself. What Is Depression? Depression is different from just being sad or down. Certainly, these moods are a part of depression, but depression is a disorder that may or may not be rooted in brain chemistry, meaning that a person cannot just “snap out of it.” Called MDD (Major Depressive Disorder) or clinical depression, a person experiencing this will feel low energy, low enthusiasm, an unwillingness to engage in day-to-day tasks and may feel an overwhelming sense of defeat, sadness, and hopelessness. It may even have regular thoughts of suicide. It is very important to note that depression does not always have a logical cause. People may experience depression because of going through a traumatic or difficult situation like divorce, the death of a loved one, unemployment, or ongoing hardships. At other times, depression can accompany other disorders such as anxiety, [...]

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