Melissa Plantz

About Melissa Plantz

Melissa Plantz is a Christian author and freelance writer. She spent twenty years in the pharmacy industry and has specialized in faith, fitness, nutrition, geriatrics, and mental health since 2015. She writes from the beautiful Lake Marion area in South Carolina.

Is the Bible Helpful for Building Self Esteem?

By |2024-09-25T09:07:41+00:00April 29th, 2024|Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development|

We yearn to stand out and for our lives to mean something to someone. When we feel ignored and overlooked, our self-esteem takes a hit. We feel as if we do not matter and what we do is of no consequence. Yet, throughout the Bible, we see where God has taken the everyday lives of people and blessed them with His anointing. God is the Creator and the ultimate Builder when it comes to building self-esteem. Does God care about me? If you reread the first few chapters of Genesis, you may notice something unique about humans. We are the only creatures God created whom He breathed into to start life. God’s breathed life inside of each one of us and separated us from animals and other creations. God cared for and loved us enough to create us in His image and likeness. What we do matters to God. His Word states that He knows our comings and our goings. Building our self-esteem is wrapped in the realization that God finds us worthy and loved, and we should also find ourselves worthy of love. If God declared our physical bodies as the temple of the Holy Spirit, then we should treat our bodies as sacred to God, avoiding substances and behaviors that could harm the body. Humans judge each other based on appearance, intelligence, wealth, social status, education, and other factors. God views our hearts. You may feel insignificant at times, but God views you as a Son or Daughter, the rightful heir along with His Son, Jesus Christ. What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor. – Psalm 8:4-5, NIV Building self-esteem with [...]

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How a Caregiver Support Group Can Benefit You

By |2024-09-25T09:07:27+00:00April 16th, 2024|Aging and Geriatric Issues, Family Counseling, Featured, Individual Counseling|

You are not alone. Caregiving is a highly stressful duty that millions of people take on to care for loved ones. Many of these caregivers are unpaid. According to AARP, caregivers spend an estimated twenty-two hours per week caring for their loved ones. These caregivers care for a loved one or a close friend, whether an aging parent, chronically ill sibling or spouse, or special needs child. A caregiver support group can help. Caregiver support is important in maintaining physical and mental health during this time. You can typically find family caregiver support through the local hospital, hospice center, home health agency, or Center on Aging. Caregiver support groups offer several benefits to members beyond camaraderie. Emotional support The stress of caregiving can negatively impact your mental health. Common ailments of caregiving include: Depression. Anxiety. Insomnia. Too much sleep. Rapid weight loss or gain. Chronic pain. Headaches. Digestive issues. Panic attacks. Do you feel like you are lacking in “me-time”? Does it feel like you are at your wit’s end? A caregiver support group allows you to surround yourself with others who have felt that way. You will meet people who have come out the other side of anxiety and depression and can share with you what they did to conquer panic attacks and feelings of not being good enough or overwhelmed. Social networking Your entire life can quickly become immersed in caring for a loved one. It may seem that every minute of the day is spent trying to assist with the activities of daily living. This can leave you feeling isolated. A caregiver support group is an excellent place for socializing with others. You all share a common goal: to remain healthy while providing the best care to a loved one. Your fellow members can recommend other [...]

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Enjoying the Golden Years Successful Aging in the 21st Century

By |2024-09-25T09:06:41+00:00July 12th, 2022|Aging and Geriatric Issues, Featured, Individual Counseling|

When we think about aging, many people imagine Granny from a famous cartoon sitting in her rocking chair, letting the world whiz by her. However, with modern medical breakthroughs, technological advances, and access to financial planning, successful aging in the 21st century is possible. You do not have to resign yourself to spending your days in a chair while others go about life. Even if you are physically unable to walk, your mind and your body can stay healthy and young for many years with a few tips for successful aging. Ten Tips for Successful Aging The following are ten tips for successful aging that focus on physical, emotional, and cognitive health. Financial planning is also critical in preparing for your future. You can find various online resources or contact a financial planner specializing in elder laws to help you create a plan to prepare you for retirement and estimated inflation over the next 20-40 years. Keep Up with Physician Appointments Routine doctor appointments, screenings, and lab work can be tiresome. But preventing issues is a key component to aging successfully. Catching problems early can mean getting treatment as soon as possible and living longer. No one wants to hear bad news, but initiative-taking can help you access resources that can lengthen your time with your family. Speak with your doctor about a routine schedule for appointments, or use your birthday month as a trigger to schedule annual exams and screenings. Stay Active The longer you can stay flexible and strong, the better your physical health. Researchers recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate to high-intensity exercise per week. You can spread this out to thirty-minute sessions five days a week or three ten-minute sessions per day. Speak to your physician about clearance for exercise before beginning an exercise [...]

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