How to Fix Your Marriage After the Affair

By |2024-04-04T11:40:39+00:00December 30th, 2023|Couples Counseling, Featured, Infidelity and Affairs, Marriage Counseling, Relationship Issues|

Having a marriage damaged by infidelity is intensely painful. But the affair does not automatically mean the end of a marriage union. This brief article describes how fix your marriage after the affair. While it is true that there are not much harder knocks a marriage can take than the sense of betrayal and heartbreak of infidelity, experience shows that when both marriage partners are committed to ensuring their relationship is rebuilt and completely healed, many marriage relationships do survive. Sometimes they thrive after the affair because of the renewed bonds of intimacy. Defining an affair. There is no one set definition of an affair that everyone subscribes to. It could be that one person in the marriage relationship defines infidelity differently from what their partner does. This could be when there is an emotional connection between a marriage partner and another person. Does the fact that there was no sex automatically mean that there was no infidelity? Each marriage partner needs to come to a clear understanding of what betrayal means for the marriage. What are the reasons for affairs? Unfortunately, affairs happen in all types of marriages. This may include those which seem happy and content, and more typically those which already experience a variety of issues. These factors are often listed as a lack of affection,falling ‘out of love’ with the other, having a weak commitment to the relationship, low self-esteem, physical and mental health issues, and some types of addiction. Stressful periods, such as being apart for a long time, or major life changes, like when your children leave home, as well as problems that are not addressed inside the marriage such as avoiding conflict, or a fear of intimacy all add to the likelihood of an affair taking place. The process of discovery after [...]