
Practical Tips for Dealing with Existential Anxiety

By |2024-09-25T09:07:11+00:00February 6th, 2024|Anxiety, Featured, Individual Counseling|

Anxiety is a normal part of the human experience, as are concerns about existential topics such as death, aging, world events, why we are here, and what the future holds. For some people, pondering these things serves as motivation to find their purpose and grow as they work toward specific goals. For others, it can be a source of stress and anxiety. Existential anxiety, also known as existential angst or dread, is a chronic feeling of unease or panic triggered by thoughts of mortality, the lack of meaning and purpose in life, and that nothing is certain other than the inevitability of death. Although existential anxiety can appear at any stage of life, it is often sparked by a major life event, transition, or time of uncertainty, that leads to a loss of security and causes you to question your beliefs and who you are. Common signs of existential anxiety. Frequent thoughts about the finite nature of life. Feeling panicky when you think about death. Wondering why you are here and what the point of anything is if you’re ultimately going to die. Feeling that life is pointless and your existence is meaningless. Having trouble making decisions, setting goals, or planning for the future. Feeling hopeless and empty. Lack of motivation or interest in activities you used to enjoy. Feeling as though getting through each day is a struggle. Panic attacks. Having regrets about your past and wondering what your life would be like if you had made different choices . Engaging in risky behaviors such as substance abuse or promiscuity . Trying to escape your anxiety through compensating activities such as excessive shopping or use of media. Questioning your faith and/or other long-held beliefs. Tips for dealing with existential anxiety. Accept the uncertainty of life and that the [...]

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How to Fix Your Marriage After the Affair

By |2024-09-25T09:44:31+00:00December 30th, 2023|Couples Counseling, Featured, Infidelity and Affairs, Marriage Counseling, Relationship Issues|

Having a marriage damaged by infidelity is intensely painful. But the affair does not automatically mean the end of a marriage union. This brief article describes how fix your marriage after the affair. While it is true that there are not much harder knocks a marriage can take than the sense of betrayal and heartbreak of infidelity, experience shows that when both marriage partners are committed to ensuring their relationship is rebuilt and completely healed, many marriage relationships do survive. Sometimes they thrive after the affair because of the renewed bonds of intimacy. Defining an affair. There is no one set definition of an affair that everyone subscribes to. It could be that one person in the marriage relationship defines infidelity differently from what their partner does. This could be when there is an emotional connection between a marriage partner and another person. Does the fact that there was no sex automatically mean that there was no infidelity? Each marriage partner needs to come to a clear understanding of what betrayal means for the marriage. What are the reasons for affairs? Unfortunately, affairs happen in all types of marriages. This may include those which seem happy and content, and more typically those which already experience a variety of issues. These factors are often listed as a lack of affection,falling ‘out of love’ with the other, having a weak commitment to the relationship, low self-esteem, physical and mental health issues, and some types of addiction. Stressful periods, such as being apart for a long time, or major life changes, like when your children leave home, as well as problems that are not addressed inside the marriage such as avoiding conflict, or a fear of intimacy all add to the likelihood of an affair taking place. The process of discovery after [...]

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Adult Attachment Styles and Their Effect on Relationships

By |2024-09-25T09:05:01+00:00December 20th, 2023|Abandonment and Neglect, Featured, Individual Counseling, Relationship Issues|

Adult attachment styles describe the way people interact with others in close relationships and how they connect with them on an emotional level. According to attachment theory, there are four different adult attachment styles: secure attachment, which is the ideal one, and three others that are classified as insecure. All of them are shaped by the type of bond infants develop with their primary caregiver. This first emotional connection determines the way they learn to view themselves, others, and the world, and becomes a prototype for how they navigate their relationships in adulthood. Although people may at times exhibit traits across the continuum of attachment styles, they will typically fall into one of the following. Four types of adult attachment styles Secure attachment People with a secure attachment style tend to have a positive view of themselves and of others and to feel confident in their relationships. They are resilient, able to handle conflict in a healthy way, lead balanced lives, openly communicate their feelings, and ask for support when they need it. Because their needs for love and security were met in infancy, they are more likely to trust their partner, expect him or her to reciprocate their love, and give him or her space for alone time without feeling rejected or threatened. Anxious attachment People with an anxious attachment style tend to be insecure, self-critical, and needy, and to have a negative view of themselves. They derive their sense of self-worth from their relationships and tend to suffer from extreme anxiety when their partner is away. Because their primary caregiver alternated unpredictably between warmth and rejection and was never consistently available during infancy, they have grown into adults with a deep-rooted fear of being abandoned and they spend a lot of time worrying about their relationships. Their [...]

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How to Better Understand Teen Depression

By |2024-09-25T09:44:17+00:00November 29th, 2023|Christian Counseling For Teens, Depression, Family Counseling, Featured|

It is normal for all of us to go through ups and downs – teenagers included. A teen’s sad feelings can last several days and during this time they may have trouble eating, sleeping, concentrating well, or feeling motivated. But keep in mind that teen depression is more than simply feeling sad or experiencing moodiness. It is a significant mental health condition that deserves attention. Differences between everyday sadness and teen depression. Telling the difference between when your teen is simply feeling down in the dumps and when they are experiencing depression can be difficult. Parents are advised to start with these questions: Regarding time. For how long have the emotions and changes to behavior lasted? If your child is displaying sadness or behavior that resembles them when they are overly tired and irritable for more than 14 days, then it may be depression. Regarding intensity. How strong are these emotions, and are they present all the time, or do they come and go? Regarding impact. Is your teen’s schoolwork, friendships, enjoyment of life, level of participation in routine activities, or physical health being affected by these emotions? It is important to know that if depression is not treated in your teen can have long-term consequences. If you are worried about your child, then know it is important for you to look for the signs of depression. As with many things, the earlier a professional can intervene the more your child will benefit. Be encouraged to know that teen depression is often treated successfully. Teens are good at recognizing how new skills can help them manage problems and actively managing the signs of depression make it far less likely that it will come back. Signs to look out for. It may be that teen depression is difficult to positively [...]

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Working as an Adult with ADHD

By |2024-09-25T09:05:12+00:00November 23rd, 2023|ADHD/ADD, Featured, Individual Counseling, Professional Development|

ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is not just for children or teens. Adults who suffer from ADHD face a daily challenge when it comes to work. Since ADHD revolves around the ability to focus it can be hard to maintain balance in work, family, and other areas of life. Working as an adult with ADHD is not impossible when you understand how to manage the symptoms. One of the best things to remember when you struggle with ADHD at work is that God did not intend for you to live an anxious or haphazard life. He desires that you live in an abundance of His peace and direction. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4:6-9, ESV ADHD and the workplace. No matter what path you have chosen as a career you will need to be able to focus, organize, and understand the details. When you suffer from ADHD these tasks can prove to be difficult and sometimes costly. However, it is possible to acquire and maintain a job as an adult with ADHD. The effects of ADHD on your job depend on the severity and whether or not you are able to use executive function abilities. ADHD is now considered a disability and this will reduce the instances of discrimination based on your diagnosis or medications. When a company hires an adult with ADHD they understand that they are required to accommodate your needs. If you feel like you are comfortable with discussing this with your employer you should research the issue so you can assist with designing a working plan. [...]

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Could You Benefit From Couples Therapy?

By |2024-09-25T09:39:33+00:00September 20th, 2023|Couples Counseling, Featured, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Relationship Issues|

Every relationship has its points of stress, those areas that tend to generate friction and conflict between the couple. Even the happiest couples that have been together for a long time will have fights. Whether you are happy, or you find yourself at a crossroads in your relationship, couples therapy just might be what you need. What is couples therapy? Couples therapy is a form of psychotherapy directed at couples, whether married or in a long-term relationship. Through a variety of techniques, your therapist will get to know you both. In your sessions together, you’ll unpack whatever is happening in your relationship, and your therapist will provide you with the space you need to explore your thoughts and feelings about where you are in your relationship. Couples therapy is aimed at helping couples develop a deeper appreciation of their relationship, cultivating better communication to reduce conflict, and teaching the couple skills that will help their relationship flourish. These skills may include problem-solving, goal-setting, conflict resolution, nurturing intimacy and trust, and better communication. Some of the issues and concerns that couples therapy will address include the following: Constant conflict. Poor communication. Lack of intimacy in the relationship and growing apart from each other. Grief and loss, including the loss of a child through miscarriage, or an inability to conceive. Mental health concerns for one or both of you, including anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder. Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries in and around your relationship. Loss of trust due to emotional or sexual infidelity . Financial concerns, including job loss. Amicably handling differences in your faith commitments or political outlook. Goal setting. Divorce . Resentment or anger toward one another. Anger issues. Issues of abuse such as emotional abuse and domestic violence. Substance abuse and addiction. Major life adjustments, such as [...]

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Partners on the Path: Encouragement for Overcoming Loneliness

By |2024-09-25T09:42:10+00:00August 24th, 2023|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Relationship Issues|

God created humanity to live in fellowship with Him, but also with one another. When we are missing connection and meaning in relationships, our lives may feel incomplete. Loneliness isn’t only about the absence of people in one’s life, but rather the absence of connection. This is why overcoming loneliness is so important. It is possible to have others around us, to be in relationships that appear to thrive on the surface, yet feel woefully alone. It is our awareness of feeling distanced from God, others, and ourselves in what we identify as significant that produces feelings of loneliness. Adding more people isn’t necessarily the remedy, but a shift in perspective can place us on a more fulfilling path. Our fragmented parts have value to Jesus, contrary to how the world esteems us when we are not quite at our best. It is in these cracked places, where the Lord binds Himself to us and we fuse to Him. This is often when we don’t have all the people or support that we want to have (2 Corinthians 12:9). We can experience the oneness of mutual abiding that the Savior prayed about in Gethsemane, right before going to the Cross on our behalf. He was fully aware that we would encounter many moments in our lives when we would feel the sting of loneliness. He was familiar, having gone to His inner circle, pleading for them to pray with Him in the garden and on the cross when He cried out in agony to His Father. Knowing this, Jesus stood in the gap and made up the hedge, in His intercession for us, praying for the Father to keep us and make us one (Ezekiel 22:30; John 17:20-23). He intervened as the Worthy Lamb who was slain before the [...]

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How to Build a Robust Family Support System

By |2024-09-25T09:39:21+00:00August 7th, 2023|Family Counseling, Featured, Relationship Issues|

A healthy family support system is characterized by family members and friends that you and your family enjoy a positive affirming relationship with. These are the people who cheer you in tough times, lend you their strength at the oars when yours is fading, and coach and advise you across tough, challenging milestones. Strong, constant relationships characterize a healthy family support system, and are something from which you derive benefit, and give benefit to the lives of other families. While building this robust family support system will be a constant journey, it may also be a challenge. Some parents have the benefit of being exposed to this type of support system as they grew up and had the benefit of being trained in how it is done simply by growing up surrounded by one. But for others, it is a new thing that will take some doing. While it looks different for every family, a wider network of strong, healthy relationships is extremely valuable. Some families have huge networks of extended family, others may just have friends or coworkers that characterize theirs. Each family support network is unique, suited to that family and proactively designed by the parents to help the family thrive. Ways to build a robust family support system For those starting from scratch or wanting to strengthen the one that they already have, these five steps will give you some guidance, ideas, and perspective as you continue. Love others well. Like the playground rule your parents told you, be the friend you want to have, the same applies – be the support that you are seeking. As Dr. Henry Cloud teaches on boundaries, we teach people how to treat us. As we are looking for a family support system show the support you are looking for [...]

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How to Identify Work Burnout: Causes, Symptoms, and Recovery

By |2024-09-25T09:06:26+00:00June 26th, 2023|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Professional Development|

Are there days you want to pull the blanket over your head and just stay safely tucked in your spot in the world? Honestly, most people will have those feelings at one time or another. It is common knowledge that in today’s world, you must work if you are going to have the necessities. If you want to enjoy the extras, then sometimes that means two incomes. Either way, there is no way to get around the 9-to-5 life, and that can lead to work burnout. It’s not always a sign that there is something wrong to think that you could lay in bed all day. It’s when you begin to act on that thought that may be a sign of something deeper. The problem comes when your emotions and actions change because you no longer want to get up and go to work. You are just tired of the job and all the issues that come with working. This thought process may indicate that you are suffering from work burnout. What are the causes of work burnout? Many factors can contribute to work burnout. It is important to note that work burnout is more than just being tired from working hard. It is how your body reacts to the constant stress of your job. This includes physical, mental, and emotional reactions. When you start to feel extremely drained and as though you don’t care, it could be time to evaluate whether you suffer from work burnout. Organizational factors. No recognition – When you put all your effort into doing a good job and there are no accolades, it becomes difficult to maintain focus. A lack of recognition can create an atmosphere of low morale. Your skills aren’t aligned with your role – This becomes an issue when you are hired [...]

How to Nurture a Positive Body Image

By |2024-09-25T09:42:02+00:00June 9th, 2023|Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development|

Of all the people you live with and encounter daily, there isn’t anyone who you need to put up with as much as yourself. You are constantly with yourself, experiencing the various sensations of bodily existence such as the sun on your skin, how laughter wells up within you, or the feeling of a satisfying meal in your belly. A healthy or positive body image is essential for enjoying yourself and appreciating what your body can do. What is body image? The term ‘body image’ refers to how you perceive your physical appearance. That relates to your skin, hair, weight, height, facial appearance, and any other physical characteristic of your body. This perception of yourself is influenced by the interaction of several complex factors such as your thoughts about your body, the messages you received about your body while growing up, and how the culture you’re in represents bodies and perceives beauty. When you have a positive body image, you are satisfied with your body and accept as well as appreciate it. On the other hand, a negative body image is when you’re not happy with your body and dislike one or more attributes about yourself. A positive body image may look like seeing yourself as you are most of the time, as well as accepting your body and feeling comfortable in it even when it may depart from broader societal beauty standards. Having a positive body image doesn’t mean you always feel good about yourself or that you’re happy with every part of your body. It does mean that on most days you are happy and feel confident about how you look, and you appreciate what your body can do more than you lament what you can’t do. Nurturing a positive view of your body. A person can have [...]

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