Humanity’s Common Denominator: Navigating Suffering and Loss

By |2024-09-25T09:40:20+00:00April 25th, 2023|Featured, Grief Counseling, Individual Counseling|

People everywhere grapple with suffering and loss, whether or not they have a relationship with God. Whether they ponder it as an abstract concept that affects those on the other side of the globe or become intimately acquainted with it in their personal experience, they all experience a measure of soul pain. The questions surrounding the evils of the world can cause people to turn toward or away from God. Suffering will dangle a question mark over our thoughts, puzzling us about the why, who, how, and the how long. In whatever context we encounter it, suffering can vex and challenge us concerning God’s intention for the earth and humanity. The suffering we observe and encounter in life finds its roots in Genesis 3. The first humans gave in to the enemy’s temptation, undermining the image of God. Adam and Eve bit the serpent’s bait. A momentary decision elicited a world of consequences that they didn’t anticipate. The result was the corruption of all of the human race and its history by sin. The Scriptures reveal that God had a plan to redeem and restore all that had been lost and forfeited in the Garden. It eventually culminated in Jesus, the Son of God who paid the price for the sins of His people – past, present, and future – to bring them back to the Father. That same Savior predestined us, His followers, to do good works, filling us with His Spirit to accomplish them. The Comforter has equipped us to extend the kingdom of God. With the Holy Spirit’s leadership and guidance, we have the privilege to serve God, to the end that the Father’s will be fully done on earth, even as it is in Heaven. Suffering and Loss: Making Sense of the Senseless Whether or [...]