Premarital Counseling

Could You Benefit From Couples Therapy?

By |2024-09-25T09:39:33+00:00September 20th, 2023|Couples Counseling, Featured, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Relationship Issues|

Every relationship has its points of stress, those areas that tend to generate friction and conflict between the couple. Even the happiest couples that have been together for a long time will have fights. Whether you are happy, or you find yourself at a crossroads in your relationship, couples therapy just might be what you need. What is couples therapy? Couples therapy is a form of psychotherapy directed at couples, whether married or in a long-term relationship. Through a variety of techniques, your therapist will get to know you both. In your sessions together, you’ll unpack whatever is happening in your relationship, and your therapist will provide you with the space you need to explore your thoughts and feelings about where you are in your relationship. Couples therapy is aimed at helping couples develop a deeper appreciation of their relationship, cultivating better communication to reduce conflict, and teaching the couple skills that will help their relationship flourish. These skills may include problem-solving, goal-setting, conflict resolution, nurturing intimacy and trust, and better communication. Some of the issues and concerns that couples therapy will address include the following: Constant conflict. Poor communication. Lack of intimacy in the relationship and growing apart from each other. Grief and loss, including the loss of a child through miscarriage, or an inability to conceive. Mental health concerns for one or both of you, including anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder. Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries in and around your relationship. Loss of trust due to emotional or sexual infidelity . Financial concerns, including job loss. Amicably handling differences in your faith commitments or political outlook. Goal setting. Divorce . Resentment or anger toward one another. Anger issues. Issues of abuse such as emotional abuse and domestic violence. Substance abuse and addiction. Major life adjustments, such as [...]

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Are You Ready for Marriage? Tips for Discernment

By |2024-09-25T09:39:46+00:00December 8th, 2022|Featured, Individual Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Relationship Issues|

Deciding if you are ready for marriage requires some thought and assessment. To be able to provide an answer, you must first have a solid understanding of who you are. As you think about this, here are some things to consider. Ready for Marriage? Aspects to Consider Relationships Think about the relationships you have currently. These do not need to be romantic relationships. How do you behave toward your mother, father, and siblings? Do you frequently find yourself losing your cool with them, perhaps resorting to using rude or sarcastic language to get your point across? In light of that, what kind of remarks would they make about you? How you interact with members of your family is predictive of how you will behave toward a potential mate. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. – Ephesians 4:31, NIV Attitude and behavior Your attitude and the way you behave can be indicators of your readiness. Are you positive or pessimistic? Do you ever consider other people’s perspectives, or do you always insist on doing things in a particular way – your way? Are you able to maintain your composure in difficult situations? Are you patient? You can better prepare yourself to be a husband or wife in the future by cultivating the fruit of God’s spirit in your life. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. – Galatians 5:22-23, NIV Money and finances Considering how you approach money and finances in your life is important. Surveys report that almost half of couples argue about money, so having a clear understanding of your ideas on the subject now can foster a healthier marriage [...]

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The Best Bible Verses About Marriage

By |2024-09-25T09:39:09+00:00July 13th, 2022|Couples Counseling, Featured, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Relationship Issues, Spiritual Development|

When you need encouragement in your marriage, these are the best Bible verses about marriage for you to consider. You can study them and meditate on them for guidance and practical help. Meditate on these Bible verses about marriage when you are seeking God’s will about your marriage. Bible Verses About Marriage Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” – Genesis 2:18 God instituted marriage before sin entered the world. It is his beautiful plan to have husbands and wives relieve loneliness for each other and be helpers for one another. This is still his plan for your marriage as well. Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. – Genesis 2:23-24 When you are married, God considers you to be of one flesh. Everything that affects the husband affects the wife, and vice versa. To keep the unity of one flesh, you cannot allow other things to take priority, including your original families. If in-laws are creating problems in your marriage, you can find help from these Bible verses about marriage or even a Christian counselor. And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” – Matthew 22:37-39 Jesus established a system of priorities for us. We are to put God [...]

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