Professional Development

Turn the World Upside Down: Developing Undefeatable Confidence

2024-12-26T10:28:42+00:00December 26th, 2024|Featured, Personal Development, Professional Development, Spiritual Development|

What kills the fulfillment of a dream like low confidence? Without a healthy belief, anchored not just in God, but also in ourselves, we may find ourselves frustrated. This can come from the dream killers that launch assaults against our destiny and the details associated with daily life. Watching the world go on as others are living their perceived “best lives” is hard. It can make us feel permanently suspended between having a desire and being on our way to fulfilling what appears to be God’s impossible dream. Others, however, don’t have to dismay us. Instead, they can inspire and encourage. As we see what others are doing, we can be reminded that we aren’t the first to encounter this quandary. Challenges masquerade as obstacles. In reality, they are often essential to remain consistent in faith. They help us learn and grow as we catapult into the next place of purpose. Confidence matters because it is the marker of how we see the person within. Viewing ourselves through a distorted or negative lens impacts how we perceive our abilities. Looking in the mirror of God’s Word will equip us with the standard of His infallibility. In creating us, He made no mistakes or errors. Though we are not perfect, we are yet formed in His Image. We have traits and talents that He enjoys and designed on purpose. He wants to teach us how to employ and deploy with Him, to extend His Kingdom. Awaken It may seem challenging to consider how to boost our confidence and elevate our sense of self-worth, but we don’t have to look far. Often, our childhoods tell a story that nods toward our future desires and pursuits. Within each of us, there is often a leaning toward particular gifts or abilities that appear [...]

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Working as an Adult with ADHD

2024-09-25T09:05:12+00:00November 23rd, 2023|ADHD/ADD, Featured, Individual Counseling, Professional Development|

ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is not just for children or teens. Adults who suffer from ADHD face a daily challenge when it comes to work. Since ADHD revolves around the ability to focus it can be hard to maintain balance in work, family, and other areas of life. Working as an adult with ADHD is not impossible when you understand how to manage the symptoms. One of the best things to remember when you struggle with ADHD at work is that God did not intend for you to live an anxious or haphazard life. He desires that you live in an abundance of His peace and direction. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4:6-9, ESV ADHD and the workplace. No matter what path you have chosen as a career you will need to be able to focus, organize, and understand the details. When you suffer from ADHD these tasks can prove to be difficult and sometimes costly. However, it is possible to acquire and maintain a job as an adult with ADHD. The effects of ADHD on your job depend on the severity and whether or not you are able to use executive function abilities. ADHD is now considered a disability and this will reduce the instances of discrimination based on your diagnosis or medications. When a company hires an adult with ADHD they understand that they are required to accommodate your needs. If you feel like you are comfortable with discussing this with your employer you should research the issue so you can assist with designing a working plan. [...]

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How to Identify Work Burnout: Causes, Symptoms, and Recovery

2024-09-25T09:06:26+00:00June 26th, 2023|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Professional Development|

Are there days you want to pull the blanket over your head and just stay safely tucked in your spot in the world? Honestly, most people will have those feelings at one time or another. It is common knowledge that in today’s world, you must work if you are going to have the necessities. If you want to enjoy the extras, then sometimes that means two incomes. Either way, there is no way to get around the 9-to-5 life, and that can lead to work burnout. It’s not always a sign that there is something wrong to think that you could lay in bed all day. It’s when you begin to act on that thought that may be a sign of something deeper. The problem comes when your emotions and actions change because you no longer want to get up and go to work. You are just tired of the job and all the issues that come with working. This thought process may indicate that you are suffering from work burnout. What are the causes of work burnout? Many factors can contribute to work burnout. It is important to note that work burnout is more than just being tired from working hard. It is how your body reacts to the constant stress of your job. This includes physical, mental, and emotional reactions. When you start to feel extremely drained and as though you don’t care, it could be time to evaluate whether you suffer from work burnout. Organizational factors. No recognition – When you put all your effort into doing a good job and there are no accolades, it becomes difficult to maintain focus. A lack of recognition can create an atmosphere of low morale. Your skills aren’t aligned with your role – This becomes an issue when you are hired [...]

Proactive Ways to Deal with Stress

2024-10-29T12:09:29+00:00January 13th, 2023|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Professional Development|

You know what it feels like when you do not or cannot manage stress properly. And it is blatantly obvious when others let stress influence them. Not being able to deal with conflict constructively, not listening properly, battling to solve problems, struggling to stay positive – and that is just at home. At work, illness and time off drop your productivity even lower than the reduced performance stress was causing you to achieve. In this article we'll discuss some proactive ways to deal with stress. It is far better to find proactive ways to deal with stress by paying attention to two factors that can make a big difference: how the environment you are in causes stress, and how you manage that stress. Everyone’s environment creates stress points for them; tackling them means you look at coping mechanisms and management techniques aimed at reducing these stress points. The other side of the same coin is to look at strategies that will help put you in a stronger, more agile frame of mind. This is a more comfortable place to be where our heart rates and blood pressure are not elevated and where we feel confident. How to understand stress. Now, before we dive in deeper it is important to define stress: Stress is our experience of being confronted with a stressful situation – also known as stressors. This will look like an unpredictable piece of bad news, a work deadline, or an upcoming bill payment. These stressors are factors that cause us to experience stress. The expectation your spouse has of you to remember your wedding anniversary and celebrate it in a way that shows you considered them when you planned it, maybe a stressor that is interpreted as stress. Stress is experienced when we see upcoming threats or [...]

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