As much as the beginnings of relationships are important, it is essential to recognize the value of endings. Embracing conclusion makes room for our relationships to flex with the Father’s purposes that flourish in new seasons and in burgeoning relationships. When we allow ourselves to process boundaries and transitions and exit one period of our lives, we are better equipped to enter the next.

Although adapting to newness presents its own challenges, accepting the end imparts the grace needed to trust God, regardless of who or what flows with us from one season to the next. The abiding Presence of the Holy Spirit strengthens and sustains us through turbulence associated with transition and change.

Reconfiguring boundaries and traversing transition feels awkward and uncomfortable. We may not know how to shift boundaries as seasons change in our lives, but we cling to the promise of Jesus to be with us always.

Relational changes involve creative conversations, first with the Lord in addition to communing with our hearts before we share with others. The Holy Spirit will illuminate our path with the Word of God, giving insight and instruction on what to say and when. He is the brilliance of the Father, the relationship genius who knows every human heart and how to navigate it.

We can rely on Him to guide us through uncertain times, so that we honor God, ourselves, and others as our lives and relationships undergo transition. Here, Jesus expertly makes all things new, and causes them, including seasons of transformation, to work together for good and ultimately His glory (Revelation 21:4; Romans 8:28).

Metamorphosis affords the grace to embrace imperfection in the secret place while being perfected by the Spirit of Christ. Through Jesus’ finished work, we learn to extend what we have received to evolve, elevate, and emerge as God intended.

Evolve boundaries.

As we evolve individually and in relationships with others, boundaries shift. That can be challenging to accept, as change, even desirable transition, evokes grief for what once was. Mourning a loss is healthy, and as we acknowledge transformation, the Holy Spirit offers guidance to support us and our relationships.

In a growing relationship with Christ, we won’t remain the same but we evolve from one place of glory to another. Similarly, we must give others the room to grow into who God envisioned.

Elevate boundaries.

It is in heavenly places, where our position in Christ affords us a new vantage point (Colossians 3:1-2). In Revelation, Jesus told John, “Come up here.” (Revelation 4:1, NIV) When we shift our view to an eternal perspective, we elevate our vision to align with what Jesus sees. Jesus graces us to elevate, looking beyond the limitations of human comfort and current conditions.

Whether we are deepening intimacy or repositioning a relationship, He adapts us to the growing pains. Each experience acquaints us with another facet of who our Savior wants to be to and for us in new places and relational spaces.

Emerge with boundaries.

When we embrace the idea that God is moving us into different spaces, we can trust the Holy Spirit to direct our paths. Though it can be jarring, the Lord interrupts our calculated plans to follow the arc of His creative vision. We may be accustomed to the way that we have been or done in the past, but our growth demands that we emerge from a cocoon like a caterpillar who eventually emerges into a butterfly.

It is in the challenges associated with transition and transformation, that we forge a deeper trust and foster an intimacy that changes how we see God, ourselves, and others. When we allow the Holy Spirit to redraw the boundary lines that frame our existing view, we yield to His vision for fresh adventures and opportunities that await us on the other side of change.

Christian Counseling for Life Transitions

Through the changing nature of life and relationships, God exposes His beloved to experience wonder with Him. Though juxtaposed against challenges, the Father may be retooling transitions to enhance your journey and equip you for your destination. He reroutes lives, ushering in seasons that are intended to highlight unique purposes and assignments.

Navigating life transitions and negotiating boundaries can create upheaval, but God knows what He is doing to bring you to your desired and hope-filled future (Jeremiah 29:11). Where you need support, search this site and schedule time with a counselor to walk with you through your changing seasons.

“Woodworker”, Courtesy of Getty Images,, Unsplash+ License; “DIY”, Courtesy of Getty Images,, Unsplash+ License; “Woman Holding Leaf”, Courtesy of Vlad Deep,, CC0 License